I also designed an A3 illustrated hell bank note, incorporating the elements I've uncovered. Given that the essence of hell bank notes revolves around wealth, prosperity, and good luck, I utilized symbols associated with these meanings to craft the most "lucky" hell note.
Looking back on this project, it’s been a journey of exploration and learning. Starting with the inspiration from Chinese paper offerings, I delved into the intricate designs of hell bank notes every seven months, finding constant fascination in their vibrant colors.
Breaking down these designs became a methodical process to uncover cultural, religious, and artistic layers. Creating a poster that mimicked the real notes added an educational element with Chinese characters and pronunciations, enriching the symbolism for viewers.
The project evolved into reconstruction, where I combined symbols to convey positive energies and prosperity in a contemporary way. This creativity extended to the catalog, with thoughtful choices
in materials and design, providing an immersive experience for the audience..